386 research outputs found

    Sobre ciertas expresiones de la funcion rango, independientes de la teoria de ordinales

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    In the present work we obtain several representations of the rank func- tion associated to a well founded relation in terms of transitive and supertransitive closures, by means of transfinite recursion theorems con- cerning these relations and with no use of ordinals theory • Moreover, specificai representations are obtained for the ordinary rank function in certain transitive classe

    Towards a Programming Language in Cellular Computing

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    AbstractSeveral solutions to hard numerical problems using P systems have been presented recently, and strong similarities in their designs have been noticed. In this paper we present a new solution, to the Partition problem, via a family of deterministic P systems with active membranes using 2-division. Then, we intend to show that the idea of a cellular programming language is possible (at least for some relevant family of NP-complete problems), indicating some “subroutines” that can be used in a variety of situations and therefore could be useful for designing solutions for new problems in the future

    Hierarchical Clustering with Membrane Computing

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    In this paper we approach the problem of hierarchical clustering through membrane computing. A specific P system with external output is designed for each Boolean matrix associated with a finite set of individuals. The computation of the system allows us to obtain one of the possible classifications in a non-deterministic way. The amount of resources required in the construction is polynomial in the number of individuals and of characteristics analyzed

    A P-Lingua based simulator for tissue P systems

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    AbstractInvestigations within the field of tissue-like P systems are being conducted, on one hand studying their computational efficiency, and on the other hand exploring the possibilities to use them as a computational modelling framework to biological phenomena.In both cases it is necessary to develop software that provides simulation tools (simulators) for the existing variety of tissue P systems. Such simulators allow us to carry on computations of solutions to computationally hard problems on certain (small) instances. Moreover, they also provide a way to verify tissue-like models for real biological processes, by means of experimental data.The paper presents an extension of P-Lingua (a specification language intended to become a standard for software devoted to P systems), in order to cover the class of tissue-like P systems, that were not considered in the previous release. This extension involves on one hand defining the syntax to be used, and on the other hand introducing a new built-in simulation algorithm that has been added to the core library of P-Lingua

    Fuzzy Membrane Computing: Theory and Applications

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    Fuzzy membrane computing is a newly developed and promising research direction in the area of membrane computing that aims at exploring the complex in- teraction between membrane computing and fuzzy theory. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of theoretical developments and various applications of fuzzy membrane computing, and sketches future research lines. The theoretical develop- ments are reviewed from the aspects of uncertainty processing in P systems, fuzzifica- tion of P systems and fuzzy knowledge representation and reasoning. The applications of fuzzy membrane computing are mainly focused on fuzzy knowledge representation and fault diagnosis. An overview of different types of fuzzy P systems, differences between spiking neural P systems and fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems and newly obtained results on these P systems are presented

    Application of Fuzzy Reasoning Spiking Neural P Systems to Fault Diagnosis

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    This paper discusses the application of fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (tFRSN P systems) to fault diagnosis of power systems, where a matrix-based fuzzy reasoning algorithm based on the dynamic firing mechanism of neurons is used to develop the inference ability of tFRSN P systems from classical reasoning to fuzzy reasoning. Some case studies show the effectiveness of the presented method. We also briefly draw comparisons between the presented method and several main fault diagnosis approaches from the perspectives of knowledge representation and inference process

    La mitosis celular: una sorprendente frontera de la eficiencia

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    En este trabajo se presenta una frontera entre la eficiencia e ineficiencia de problemas abstractos en un marco computacional inspirado en la estructura y funcionamiento de las c´elulas de los organismos vivos. M´as concretamente, se justifica que una regla de reescritura, abstracci´on de la mitosis celular, proporciona un l´ımite de la tratabilidad de problemas, bajo el supuesto de que se verifique la conjetura P 6= NP. Como consecuencia relevante se obtienen nuevas herramientas que permiten atacar la resoluci´on de la citada conjetura en un marco absolutamente novedoso.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08–TIC-0420

    A membrane parallel rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm for robotic motion planning

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    © 2020-IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. In recent years, incremental sampling-based motion planning algorithms have been widely used to solve robot motion planning problems in high-dimensional configuration spaces. In particular, the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm and its asymptotically-optimal counterpart called RRT∗ are popular algorithms used in real-life applications due to its desirable properties. Such algorithms are inherently iterative, but certain modules such as the collision-checking procedure can be parallelized providing significant speedup with respect to sequential implementations. In this paper, the RRT and RRT∗ algorithms have been adapted to a bioinspired computational framework called Membrane Computing whose models of computation, a.k.a. P systems, run in a non-deterministic and massively parallel way. A large number of robotic applications are currently using a variant of P systems called Enzymatic Numerical P systems (ENPS) for reactive controlling, but there is a lack of solutions for motion planning in the framework. The novel models in this work have been designed using the ENPS framework. In order to test and validate the ENPS models for RRT and RRT*, we present two ad-hoc implementations able to emulate the computation of the models using OpenMP and CUDA. Finally, we show the speedup of our solutions with respect to sequential baseline implementations. The results show a speedup up to 6x using OpenMP with 8 cores against the sequential implementation and up to 24x using CUDA against the best multi-threading configuration

    Cascading Failures Analysis Considering Extreme Virus Propagation of Cyber-Physical Systems in Smart Grids

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    Communication networks as smart infrastructure systems play an important role in smart girds to monitor, control, and manage the operation of electrical networks. However, due to the interdependencies between communication networks and electrical networks, once communication networks fail (or are attacked), the faults can be easily propagated to electrical networks which even lead to cascading blackout; therefore it is crucial to investigate the impacts of failures of communication networks on the operation of electrical networks. This paper focuses on cascading failures in interdependent systems from the perspective of cyber-physical security. In the interdependent fault propagation model, the complex network-based virus propagation model is used to describe virus infection in the scale-free and small-world topologically structured communication networks. Meanwhile, in the electrical network, dynamic power flow is employed to reproduce the behaviors of the electrical networks after a fault. In addition, two time windows, i.e., the virus infection cycle and the tripping time of overloaded branches, are considered to analyze the fault characteristics of both electrical branches and communication nodes along time under virus propagation. The proposed model is applied to the IEEE 118-bus system and the French grid coupled with different communication network structures. The results show that the scale-free communication network is more vulnerable to virus propagation in smart cyber-physical grids